Almost Done

I almost accomplished my deadline goal today, by finishing up the body work on my car. At least now I should only have to do very small detailing to try and make everything nice and smooth. I also got to see how my converted LED license plate lights look.
-I partially opened the right door to show how much wider the car sets now.

-These things are bright. Note that these were taken during the day with the garage door half way down.

-I put some water on the ground to show how bright and powerful they really are.

My WTF Moment of the Day

Two days ago my driver side (left) window started going stupid in my Saturn. I disassembled the door to find the gears that the window motor turns were totally shot. So yesterday I was able to find one at a junk yard. Today I took the door apart again today to replace the broken one. Now, I will pause my story here to backtrack to yesterday, for some needed details of the reason I consider this to be a WTF moment. The window motor assembly that I removed off of the parts car yesterday was apparently a newer model than my car. The whole assembly was held in by 4 11mm bolts. Remove those, and you have a window motor sitting on the ground, pretty simple concept. Coming back to today, I start to remove the assembly in the same order as the previous, and what do you know, the whole assembly is riveted into the door. If you don't know, rivets are used to hold things that are not made to be removed. What genious at Saturn would think to permanently attach a part that is commonly removed? WTF were you thinking GM? I understand in the world of making cars someone has to get stuck with making rental car quality cars. But rivets? You guys must have been ripping people off to make money for a while, and you still couldn't get that right. I can imagine it now, "oh yeah, you're gonna have to let one of our technicians take care of that for you"... I spent 40 additional minutes beating the crap out of my door just to get this thing off. Later I install the new (new to me at least) assembly the "right" way the nuts and bolts. Saturn must have also swapped the signal locations on the assembly on the later model cars also, because now I have to pull the window up for the window to go down, and push the button down for the window to go up. I really hate when stupid stuff like this happens, it takes away from the time and money I could be using on my S14...

Garage Life

Just thought this picture was kinda neat. I'm one step closer to baller status with two

Just dial 542-542

Just used KGB for the first time tonight. I wanted to know the length of the manual non-abs drive shaft for the S14. Their service is really awesome because it gives you a real answer instead of having that automated feeling. It only took about 5-10 minutes for a response.

Still Working Hard

I've still been working hard on my S14, I just have not been taking as many pictures lately. I am aiming for my car to be ready for paint by the 29th, which seems ridiculous. But I am getting so close to where I want my car to be before the weather changes and I have to keep myself motivated to keep working. Here's a picture that I did take today after leaving Hooters, the crowd in there was preposterous. (Bet you were not expecting Anyways, thank you Cherrell for keeping the water and hot wings coming. And anyone who goes there, make sure you tip your waitresses, you cheap "mo phos". I mean if you got the money to go buy the food, get some money for gratuity. That's just........well cheap. Oh, almost forgot, my pretty picture! I thought the sky looked with the nice weather tonight. Ah crap, I'm rambling arn't I? That's it, I'm going to sleep...

Rear Overfender Installation Continued

After getting the rear overfenders lined up and snug on the car, it is now time to blend the overfenders with the existing body of the car. I want to have a smooth clean look instead of hard look of exposed overfenders. Here is what I have so far...

Face Lift

Today I started to work on the front end of my car. Everything seems to be coming together very well. Here's what it looks like so far.
-Top view

-Shot of the front bumper paired with the overfenders

-Good shot on the intercooler

Rear Overfender Application

After getting the rest of my body parts this weekend, I started to mount the left rear overfender. I started out holding them up with tape, and then using rivets to mount them in place. I did not get to finish it because I ran out of rivets, but here is what I have so far.
-Full Shot

-The brown residue is from the tape...hate that. >(

-Close up of the rivets.