Day 7-8

Mechanical shes RTR. Electronically not so much...
How dirty girls get clean.
It steers again.

Bumper and Headlights back on.

Important wires are tucked and hidden away.

Day 5-6

The last couple of days have been long, but hopefully tomorrow very rewarding. The S14 is off the jack stands and back on the ground. Tomorrow comes the test roll, bleed the brakes and clutch, and put the heater and A/C back in. If there's time, throw the body harness and dash back in.

Back on the ground. The wheels turn.

Brake lines all hooked up.

Pedals mounted.

Body harness coming together.

Day 4

Really happy with today. The RHD Rack & Pinion got installed. The wire harness is in the works. And the steering wheel is mocked up to be permanently mounted.

Didn't pull the motor out, but i needed to lift it up to give me a little extra space to mount the RHD Rack & Pinion.

Cleaning and compacting the body harness.

Day 3

Wouldn't call today a total success, but it wasn't a failure either. Mostly removed the body harness, prepared to remove the LHD rack & pinion tomorrow, and hopefully some more progress.

Day 2

Today's progress. Almost done with removing from the interior. Then its over to the engine bay.

Day 1 Continued

Didn't really get anything done today, besides borrow a motor hoist (thanks Blake). So for now more pictures of the progress of day 1. Mostly cleaning. I can't wait to get this thing fitted in the car.

Mock up, still dirty.
This cleaning was brought to you by Purple Power
Clean climate vents, going for that new car smell
Clean everything top to bottom, inside and out.

Now it looks like a clone of the LHD version in the car

The Beginning of the Beginning

Didn't have a lot of time on my hands but progress was made. Cleaned the dash and vents that are routed under it. Color matched the dash and center console to the LHD dash.

It Has Begun

One of my worst kept secrets, is now officially relieved. My next plan for 2012. Right Hand Drive. Here are some pictures with the limited time I've had between traveling to pick up parts. More and higher quality pictures coming soon, after the build starts. I'm going for what I've come to call a "wall-less RHD Conversion", inspired by Revgasm's S13. The firewall seems to be pretty symmetrical and swapping seating positions, without swapping firewalls, will hopefully come along without any big hurdles.